The Latest in Cutting Edge Solution Focused Therapy

You probably know that all psychotherapists — and all therapies — are not alike. How is Dr. Ransen different from others in Florida? Dr. Ransen’s answer is this:Instead of wasting your time and money diagnosing what’s wrong with you, I begin immediately to find out what’s right with you. I want to know how you have successfully created solutions throughout your life, so I can help you to use those strengths to create the solution(s) you currently need. Only then can I help relieve your stress, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, insomnia, and relationship problems, empowering you to recover the inner peace and spiritual balance that you once enjoyed. I rarely give advice, because the best solutions usually come from you. You are the experts on your lives, not I. Couples, married or not, frequently go through difficult periods in life. I have had extraordinary success helping couples to mend fragile or damaged relationships or marriages more quickly and easily than they had imagined possible.
I love to get “fired,” because that almost always means my clients have gotten the results they hoped for — results that may have been impossible to find elsewhere. When I get fired with a grateful hug, smile, or handshake, I know that my clients were delighted by the results. I cannot begin to express the joy I feel whenever I get emails or hand-written notes of gratitude.
Second, the methods I use are backed by the latest scientific evidence. I employ therapeutic techniques that have been found effective in the world’s most respected scientific journals. I don’t just do what seems to make sense, or only what I learned in my 12 years of postgraduate training, but what thousands of careful and caring therapists and scientists have shown really works. Also, as a holistic therapist, I am well-versed in Complementary and Alternative Healing, and I understand the value of non-medical treatments such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation, nutrition, exercise, spirituality, and more.
There are many more differences here. Please feel free to ask whatever questions come to mind. If you live anywhere in Florida, please feel free to call 561-865-6112 at any time, for expert and compassionate advice and plain-talk explanations from me personally, based on my decades of training and experience. You’ll never have to speak with receptionists or assistants. There is no charge for phone consultations.